Sunday, June 08, 2008


Fina Sisu House Cleanup

Sunday morning Angelo and his team of volunteers met at my old old house in Fina Sisu at 8 a.m. to clean up the yard.   We worked for about 4 hours, cutting tangantangan, some of which was about 4 inches in diameter, weeds and overgrown flowers.  Kevin and Jim and were pretty amazing wielding machetes, and I assigned myself the task of dragging the trees they chopped down to the chipper.

You can see the progress we made in the first two photos;  the last photo is the "before" picture.  The jeep in the bottom photo belongs to Angelo's Uncle John, and is from WWII.  Amazingly, it still runs.

The house needs a lot of work;  the electrical wires and plumbing were ripped out, as well as all the air conditioners and appliances.  The concrete is crumbling in parts, and most of the wood has been damaged by termites.   The roof looks solid, and the foundation seems strong.


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