Monday, November 26, 2007

Kevin is a Webelo Scout at LHPS, and is currently working on citizenship. There are 5 boys in his den, and the parents have divided the responsibility of den meetings up so that each of each plans two monthly meetings during the school year. This month was our responsibility, and had to do with citizenship. At first I thought it would be good for the boys to visit the Winter Park Police Station, but they turned me down because the boys' home den is in Orlando, not Winter Park. Then I tried to plan something with the Orlando Police Department, but they told me I needed to make the request at leaset 6 weeks in advance (!) and besides, the date I wanted coincided with the Grand Opening of the new Ikea store near Millennia Mall, so no one would be available. (!!)

So.... I talked to Jeff Briggs, Planning and Community Development Director for the city of Winter Park, and he suggested that the scouts attend a City Commission Meeting, which are held on Monday afternoons at 3:30 twice a month. The boys met first with Jeff, who told them about what he does for Winter Park, and then they attended about an hour of the City Commission meeting, which dealt mainly with building issues. They met the mayor, Mr. David Strong, and an Orange County Commsionner, Mr. Bill Segal. They were invited up to the podium to lead the meeting in the Pledge of Allegiance. It was a great opportunity for them to see how a city government functions.

We went to Panullo's after the meeting for a pizza dinner. Jim and Catie came and met us.