Thursday, March 22, 2007
Save the Date!
She'll wear a tutu for the ballet recital, and I'm sure that will also be coming home soon. She has a pretty busy day on Thursday, as she dances from 5-7 pm. That's a pretty long day for a seven year old.
Kev's a pretty busy guy too. On Thursdays he has Boy Scouts, followed by fencing and math tutoring at Kumon. He's been doing a lot of reading lately, and is almost done with the last Harry Potter book. He'll be ready for the new one when it comes out this summer. Tomorrow he has a big test on the multiplication tables, so he's been practicing a lot to get them right. He got all As and one A- on his report card this week.
I've joined a different choir. I decided to leave the Sweet Adelines because I found the Thurday night rehearsals from 7-10 too difficult given all of Kevin and Catie's activities on Thursdays. I'm singing now with the Easter Choir for Unity Church, and really enjoying it. We're a small choir - there are only about 10 of us - and it's a lot more fun. Our Director performs at the Peabody Hotel every Friday and Saturday night, so we may go to hear her play the piano.