Sunday, March 04, 2007


A Day at the Beach

We took a drive over to New Smyrna Beach yesterday to check on our tenants who are there for the month of March. The weather turned cool and cloudy overnight, with temperatures in the 50's. Kevin's friend Jared came with us for the day, and despite the cold day and the colder water they managed to get pretty wet reenacting the D-Day Invasion.

It was even too cold for any tourists to be swimming.

Earlier in the week I accompanied Catie's 1st grade class to Oak Haven Farms in Sorrento to pick strawberries. We picked strawberries for about an hour, ate lunch and had a hayride.

Reenacting D-Day? Interesting.
It'a little hard to see, but if you look, you'll see the little crossed pieces of wood that is supposed to look like the beaches in Normandy.
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