It finally happened. Jumper was hit by a car Monday night after one of her escapades. As everyone who knows her knows, Jumper loves to escape from the house and go for a swim in the lake down the street, or in a neighbor's pool. Normally she gets captured by one of us or one of our neighbors before she can get into too much trouble. She has even been returned on occasion by a police officer in a squad car. Her luck ran out on Monday when she jumped over a small sports car on Aloma and was clipped by the car's front fender. She's lucky she wasn't killed. She broke her pelvis in 5 places and has a big gash on her side.
It's going to be a long recovery. She's at an animal hospital, and the staff had to clear out a supply closet for her because she was too big to fit comfortably in one of the cages.
# posted by Winter Park Fords @ 4:10 PM