Saturday, November 18, 2006


Happy November!

It's cold in Winter Park today. When I woke up this morning it was cold in the house and a chilly 49 degrees outside. Brrrrr!!! This is good practice for New York City. We'll be going there next week to see the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. The weather is predicted to be in the 50's next week in New York so we should be fine.

Jim and the kids are heading out to Starbuck's, and I'm going to putter around the house. I have to do some cleaning because of all the dirt that has been tracked into the house. We're landscaping our property, and had all the concrete driveway and walkways dug up around the house and hauled away. The house is now surrounded by a field of dirt. The back yard wasn't bad until the dump truck got stuck out there, and the guys managed to dig up a good portion of it trying to get it out.

We're planning to put our house on the market, so we're getting it ready to sell. It should look beautiful when we're done. We're also changing the look of the front porch by putting in new front stairs and cutting off the old stairs. We built 4 light columns in front of the house, and the lights finally arrived at Lowe's last night, so those will be installed on Monday. It's coming along.

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