Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Jiminny Cricket

The bugs here in Costa Rica are really something special. There are a lot of them and the variety is astounding. I like to read at night when the house is quiet and the kids have fallen asleep, and I have to keep swatting the bugs away as they dive bomb into the light above the bed. When I'm on the computer at night, the light on my desk is the only light on in the house, and the bugs swarm all over the window pane (on the OUTSIDE thankfully) and I'm amazed by the sheer number and beauty of the bugs. Lots of moths that look more like butterflies. Last night there was a bright metallic green bug trying to get in. I also like the lightning bugs that twinkle outside at night - and even inside at times. One of my favorites is the walking stick. I'll post a picture of one that was on our porch.
Here's a picture of the cricket that Jo befriended the other day. I finally put the cricket in the garden so Jo wouldn't hurt him. In addition to bugs getting into the house, birds fly in. Yesterday a hummingbird flew upstairs and was banging against the skylights in a futile effort to get out. Kev managed to capture it in his hands (no easy feat - it was fast!) and when he released it out the window it looked like a magician's trick. I got a picture of it when it was resting on the windowsill.
Kev is STILL sick. He had another fever last night, and was up half the night coughing. This morning he feels better, so he's reading and doing his homework to keep up. We're also reading new book: Prince Caspian from the Chronicles of Narnia. It doesn't help that the weather for the past few days has been cloudy and rainy; the house feels damp and cold. It's chicken soup weather, so I think I'll make that for dinner!

If you also read my son Angelo's blog you will know why I am inserting this link:
Saipan is actually a lovely tropical island, and you can read all about it on Angelo's blog.
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Thanks for that!
But can you link the words SAIPAN SUCKS to a website?
It will look like this when you do it correctly:
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But can you link the words SAIPAN SUCKS to a website?
It will look like this when you do it correctly:
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