Sunday, April 16, 2006
Happy Easter/Feliz Pascua

Last night we had dinner at our neighbors' Nicolette and Ran. They have a daughter Ryan who is Catie's age, and the girls tell anyone who will listen that they are best friends. They also have a darling 9 month old baby named Jackson. We had hamburgers cooked on a grill and the best brownies I have ever had in my life for dessert.
We opted to walk home along the road rather than traipse through the woods that separates our houses in the dark. It actually wouldn't have been that dark, as we had one of Jim's toys with us, a 2 million candle power flashlight. I worry about snakes and scorpions and such things that you might not see very easily at night.
Today we are having a quiet day. We went out for a late breakfast to Stella's Bakery in Monteverde, did a little grocery shopping, Kevin bought 2 more gyabera style shirts (move over, Alex!) and now we are home doing laundry and such. Later today we're going to hang out with Beth and Manolo and their family and visit the Santamaria family farm up the street. Everyone is getting together to take a walk on the paths on the farm behind their house.
I'll try to post a picture of Catie and her best friend Ryan, who reminds me of someone special. Can anyone guess who?